A lot of cool things have happened lately. One of them is right in front of me. OUR BRAND NEW iMAC! I’ve never been more excited about a computer or anything technological EVER. Matt and I aren’t tech-savvy people (he didn’t even own a cell phone until like 2007 if that tells you anything…) but we got super fed-up with the decline of our last computer that came from the PC world. We have owned iPhones for the past few years and Matt uses an iPad at work. So we were getting a little taste here and there of what Mac people (correct terminology i hope?) experience. So when the time came for a new computer…we decided to cross over. Now I see why people are so geeky about iMacs! This thing is seriously smarter than me I think. And definitely prettier. Anyways — I’m on the computer WAY too much now. So hopefully that will lead to more posts! Yesss!
And since we got this new computer — I spent this week gutting our “office desk” of useless crap. And finally put it into some sort of order! I found 4 staplers, 4 calculators, and 5 rolls of tape in various locations in this desk! Woops!
Actually, lately, I have been totally cleaning house. I don’t mean sweeping and dusting. I am getting rid of STUFF like crazy. I’m finding things all over my house — furniture, clothes, shoes, toys, blankets, anything and everything — stuff that we just don’t use or don’t need. I’m giving it away to family or donating it to charities. Some things are trashed. But every time I get this feeling that I’m making my life more simple. And I LOVE that feeling. Never before in my life has it felt so good to have LESS. It’s like the less I have cluttering the space around me — the more things feel clean, simple, and less of a burden. I’m realizing that our stuff needs to serve a purpose and it needs to be somewhat organized (not completely organized because that’s just not in my nature — I will save that for another post) or else it begins to not only clutter the house and physical space but also takes shape as clutter in my mental space as well. I’m sure — in fact, I know — that I’m not the first person to discover this concept. I’ve been taught like most the concept of “less is more” … but I am first experiencing it with myself. And that is key to true learning with me.